Sewer and Drain Cleaning For Older Homes

Properly maintaining the drains and sewer pipes in any structure, no matter what its age, is very important to making sure that you have clean, potable water and waste water disposal. When it comes to newer structures, owners rarely have to worry about drain clogs or pipe breakages. Modern materials such as PVC pipes are less likely to break or corrode, and new homeowners can often go several years before worrying about maintaining their sewers and drains. For older homes, however, this is not often the case. Older clay and iron pipes can crack, break, corrode and become clogged with grease and tree roots, in addition to other dangers.
There are many people who would much rather own an older home because an appreciation for more traditional architecture and lower potential purchasing prices. Along with these benefits, however, come many disadvantages that come along with owning an older home. One of them is the quality of the sewer and drain pipes in the home. The older the home, the more likely it is that you will have to have drain cleaning services, and even sewer replacement, in the near future.
Cast iron pipes in older homes are subject to corrosion and scaling, which can lead to major problems and require complete replacement of your sewer. The cost of replacement depends on the length of the pipe that is affected by corrosion, and in some cases simply having the iron drain cleaned properly will solve your problem and cost much less money. But never put off having your iron sewer drain pipes inspected by a professional if you suspect that they are suffering from corrosion or scaling.
Additionally, older homes often were constructed with clay footer drain tiles and main sewer lines that can crack and break over the years. Tree roots are especially a problem when dealing with clay pipes, since they can find their way into minute cracks and clog or break your drain over the years. Luckily, most drain cleaning companies nowadays are equipped with drain snake augers that can effectively cut through tree root obstructions and leave things running like new again.
Remember, if you do decide to purchase an older home, it will come with additional maintenance requirements that could call for extra diligence on your part. By having a drain cleaning professional check your sewer lines for any potential costly problems, you could end up saving yourself a good deal of time and money in the future.
Remember... cover all other outlets when using a plunger! For example, when plunging the kitchen sink make sure to completely cover the drain in the other side of a double sink. Before plunging a lavatory, bathroom sink or bathtub, be sure to plug off the overflow.